I was surprised when she pulled out a zipper pouch & purse she'd made (not that she had them, she was always more creative than me, with fabric, paint, clay - you name it) but that she'd bother taking anything I made when she could obviously sew things she wanted for herself.
I guess it's like a sandwich - I make a damn good sandwich but when somebody else makes a sandwich for me, it's just better somehow. Nevertheless, this gave me a good excuse to make a few more zipper pouches, and to try out other tutorials that I was curious about.

I tried this tutorial at craftpassion.com which was for a pyramid shaped triangle pouch. I failed epically, but it seemed like a number of posters also had problems trying to figure out how to turn it into a pyramid from the directions. On the bright side it made me want to make a quilted pouch, and I'm working on hand stitching some Kawaii in Hawaii fabric for that project now. An upside was that I got to learn how to put fabric tabs over the ends of the zippers, which I'll use in the future.
Finally I made a birdie pouch with the tutorials I used in my earlier post. It was nice and relaxing to finish with something I'd already done a few of.
Next on my to-do list is to try out some of the boxy bag tutorials, as I want to make my husband a travel bag for his razor. It makes me want to start putting everything in bags - hmm an oilcloth bread bag? Cat purses? Oh the possibilities!
Thanks Ali for all the ideas! I have wanted to make a few of these, they are such great gifts. Now I know where to go for tutorials!