I stitched different sized circles in a variety of neutral threads. I decided against using perle because I didn't want it to be noticeable on the front of the quilt, and I think it succeeded in that. I'm not as sure that the circles worked with the hexagons but I was feeling dangerous so I went for it.
I'd ordered some hug snug seam binding in a few colors and chose teal for the edges. Now it's billed as unravel proof. I'd been meaning to get some of it for garments for awhile, but I can't particularly recommend it for quilts. It was difficult (aka I really had to pay attention) to sew it on. It's only 1/2" wide so I first sewed it onto the front of the quilt very close to the edge. I used teal thread in the spool & the bobbin. When I folded it over to sew on the back I had to use teal in the spool and white on the bobbin or the teal would've shown on the white of the back. If I use it again I'll probably only use matching hug snug, so I don't have to be so careful.

Eww enough boring stuff. I would've posted this a couple days ago but after washing and pressing it, the sun refused to come out so I could get some final pictures. 99% humidity in June?!?!? Bah!
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