It's Sew Mama Sews! 10th giveaway day and I was thinking what a good excuse for me to make a montage! Ok, OK, a collage, but whatever, I am just happy to have a growing amount of projects that I am happy about having made.
For this one, I'm giving away 6 fat eights from Art Gallery's Indian Summer & Rashida Coleman Hale's Tsuru. I'm throwing in spools of red, blue and golden Aurifil thread too.

I thought seriously hard to come up with a good non sewing question, then promptly forgot it, so I'll go with this - What's your earliest memory of doing a sewing or other needle related project? Mine was in 1st grade, making an M&Ms felt mobile in vacation bible school, french knots for eyes and all! It's made me start revisiting doing more embroidery in the last 6 months or so, and I'm enjoying interspersing it with my sewing projects.
You don't need to follow me to enter, but feel free to. I know you have lots of free time to sit around reading random things ;)
1. one comment per person
2. answer the question to be eligible
3. i'll ship internationally for this one
4. leave an email if its not in your profile.
5. comments close at May 10 at 5 p.m. PST and a randomizer will pick the winner
Don't forget to go check the rest of the giveaways!
My earliest memory sewing was sitting at my grandmother's kitchen table when I was 4 making doll clothes on her Singer Featherweight Sewing machine. I still have some of the doll clothes!
ReplyDeleteEarliest sewing memory was learning to embroider at daycare, actually! When you were 5, you could start with hand embroidery lessons. When you were 7, she'd show you how to use the machine. I don't remember how to do much of the embroidery any more.. I should get back into it.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is learning how to sew buttons on. My mom hates to sew so she still saves my buttons for when I go home to visit. ;) Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI so fondly remember cutting and hand piecing calico squares from my Great Grandmother's quilting scraps as a little girl, just like Laura Ingalls :)
ReplyDeleteEarliest memory of sewing would be making clothes for my barbies. It typically involved me making them tube dresses out of old socks and then sewing buttons on for decorations. Sewing a button on counts as sewing, right?
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is learning to sew in a 20x20 cm square different stitches. Made a hem for the square and put a button too . carufigueatgmaildotcom
ReplyDeleteOh thats easy! I remember bein about 6 and "helping" mum sew some clothes for my doll to match my outfits! We were listening to the best of Buddy Holly on vinyl too.... :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI remember my grandma teaching me to cross stitch! I was only probably 6 at the time? Needless to say, my crafting skills have greatly improved since then. :)
I was eleven sewing dresses for my Barbies LOL
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing memory is making doll clothes for my Barbie. I advanced from 3-arm-hole dresses that required no sewing to very clumsily sewing on snaps to keep the baggie dresses in place.
ReplyDeleteI had to make a pillow in the seventh grade. It was a nine patch and my corners did not line up :( amateurquilter at gmail
ReplyDeletemine was in primary school to make a tissue case hahaha oh and a pillow too!
ReplyDeleteHmm...I remember making a gym bag in middle school home ec. That's probably my first!
ReplyDeleteDoes crochet count? I made some really rad purple acrylic legwarmers when I was about 8 (yes, this was the 80s, why do you ask?).
ReplyDelete4th grade I made a lame pastel cross stitch bookmark with my grandma!
ReplyDeleteI was 5 or 6 and was using one of those big plastic needles to stitch yarn onto that plastic canvas stuff, don't remember what I was making though.....
ReplyDeleteI smocked my first baby bonnet in 1st grade. I remember getting called to an after school conference with my mom and teacher b/c I wrote a paper on how my mom taught me to "smoke" and how much I loved "smoking". It was a great lesson on learning how to spell "smock" properly! :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't start sewing until after I got married so this is a recent memory. I made an apron.
sshuttrbugg at aol dot com
I remember my grandma teaching me how to crochet a chain when I was about 6. Great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI can remember making doll clothes from scraps of fabric my mom would let be have. This was over a half century ago (yikes!). Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteThank you for a great give away! I remember how I did my best to help when my mom and godmother sew cloths to my Barbie. I still remember many of those fabrics.
My first intro to sewing was in High school in Home Ec. We made garments. I gave up garment sewing when I learned to quilt, and have not looked back since :-)
ReplyDeletemy earliest memory is making some longer shorts for summer camp with my mom, and we sewed one seam of the pants together, and then couldn't figure out how they should go together to finish them - turns out we were trying to fit them upside down - i still avoid clothes. :) quilts are pretty forgiving when it comes to fit. :) fabulous giveaway!!
My earliest memory is my mother showing me how to sew on a button that had fallen off.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memories about sewing and other crafts are from about age 5 or 6. The first project was embroidered kittens on pillow cases followed by hand towels and later blocks for a quilt that were the States & their flowers that was used on my bed and later as a picnic blanket when I got married & had kids.
ReplyDeletei started with cross point when i was about 6 or 7. my mom helped me to sew my first project a couple years later.
ReplyDeleteMy mom helped me sew a red piece of heart-shaped felt to a white one. By hand. Then turn it inside out and stuff it with cotton balls and sew it closed. It was a pillow for the kitty and I was probably about 5... Who knew it would turn into a full-blown addiction in my 20s? haha
ReplyDeleteWhen I was around 9, my grandmother taught me how to embroider. I didn't pick it up again till about four or five years ago.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is 4th grade, when I was enrolled in after school sewing lessons! :)
ReplyDeleteI learned to sew in 4-H when I was eight years old. I would never sit at the sewing machine, I just liked to stand and sew (strange). I remember making a very colorful skirt, it was a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a chance to win the wonderful fabric and thread.
my earliest memory of sewing was one of those cardboard cutouts with holes that you laced a shoelace through...i think i was 3 or 4? maybe? anyway, i love your little bundle! who would've thought to mix the two lines?? its awesome!!!!! thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteSewing a blanket for my doll with my grandma over summer break. Must have been early elementary school age
ReplyDeleteI made my first sewing project, a shirt in home ec.
ReplyDeleteI remember making a rug with my grandma that had a Santa Claus design. Grandmas seem to be the crafty inspiration for a lot of people. I hope I'm that kind of grandma someday. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, my earliest memory of sewing was from my mom when she was attempting to learn... Its also my earliest memory of swear words :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the opportunity to win!
krenthom @ gmail . com
I remember doing plastic canvas embroidery as a kid and thinking it was the coolest. I made a little box in pastel yellow and purple. Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing memory would be those cardboard sewing cards with yarn and plastic needle- but if it's a real sewing memory then troll clothes- I was probably 6 or 7- they were horrible but I loved them and had little hangers, and a troll trunk for the wardrobe:)
ReplyDeleteI remember being told to sew my own button on after I picked it off 4 times in a week!
ReplyDeleteI made clothes for my troll dolls!
ReplyDeleteThe earliest sewing memory I have (aside from those little cardboard pictures with yarn that you were supposed to thread through the punched holes) is when I was about 8, I think. I got a "sewing machine" that Christmas, but it actually came with a cartridge that super-glued the fabric together, and some fabric and patterns for doll clothes. I was ready to be the next Coco Chanel, for all of an hour. That's when the doll clothes started coming apart, and my fingers started sticking together. After that, I went back to my original dream of becoming the next Mary Cassatt ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy first is of watching my Mom make our awesome Halloween costumes. I was the statue of liberty in the 1st grade.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory was being allowed to play in my great gran's button boxes (which I now own) and either get to string them on a long lace or stitch them to a hanky.
ReplyDeleteMy mom had me doing hand stitching on burlap at 4 or 5... I still have some of the creations!
ReplyDeleteI remember sewing with yarn and plastic needle when I was maybe six or seven. Boy did I feel grown up!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a great prize, Ali!
I know my mom must have tried to teach me to do some sort of sewing, but my earliest memory is probably when I was a preteen. My step mom taught me how to cross stitch and I tried to make these towels. It didn't go that well, but I'm much better at it now!
ReplyDeleteWhat's your earliest memory of doing a sewing or other needle related project? After pestering my mother to let me sew on her quilt, my mother gave me a needle with yarn and let me quilt (sew) on a corner. I was 5 years old and in first grade.
ReplyDeleteI remember getting a mini sewing machine and playing on that when I was in primary school. ml_wilkie(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing projects were hair scrunchies, followed by unsuccessful attempts at Barbie clothes.
I remember helping my Mom sew things when I was little. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt isn't a good memory, and fortunately it hasn't stopped me from sewing and quilting now. Girls had to take Home Ec classes in Grade 7 (boys had to take drafting or shop, so that tells you how long ago this was). Our teacher (Miss Scarr) was very tough. We had to make a sleeveless blouse, and I sewed, ripped and resewed that collar I don't know how many times! Got a C on the course!
ReplyDeleteI actually took up sewing rather recently... 2001? I was making an ornament for Christmas with my Mom
ReplyDeleteI made a pillowcase my freshman year of high school, but didn't touch anything again til years later.
ReplyDeleteHa! I cannot remember what I was sewing, but I remember sewing on my mom's machine and her saying "You need to sew straight!"
ReplyDeleteMy earliest clear memory of stitching/sewing was in my pre-teen years. I was playing with felt and embroidery floss and made little treasures for myself with them.
ReplyDelete7th grade home ec - made a cupcake pillow!
ReplyDeleteHelping my mom make shorts for all the kids...they were hideous, but luckily it didn't kill my desire for sewing.
ReplyDeleteI made a patchwork pillow in about second grade. I still have the pillow, too :)
ReplyDeletein junior high I tried to make a little mini quilt. I got a book from the library, started hand stitched, and had no idea how the block (4 patch) should actually go together. I ended up with what have been a y-seam and gave up. Glad I picked it back up after I got married.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I did some hand sewing before, but the earliest I really remember, and what made me interested in sewing, was making short with my mom when I was 8. I loved it! Thanks for a chance to win some super yummy fabric!
ReplyDeleteI remember home ec in eighth grade. I had absolutely no sewing experience and everyone laughed at my questions and ineptitude. It was 10 years before I tried again, and guess what? I can do a pretty good job!
ReplyDeleteOh this is a good one... I remember when I was maybe 6 or 7 wanting a little stuffed doll of Baby Kermit's (Muppet Babies) cousin (I think). He was a little tadpole and so adorable and I just wanted one of my own so bad. Mom told me toy stores didn't make Kermit's cousin, so I sewed my own! it was awful! haha!
ReplyDeleteMy first sewing memory was going over to my friend Mary's house and her mother letting us play with scraps on the floor of the sewing room! I was totally bored (not much of a hand sewer even then). Later, when I was older, the same woman taught me how to sew! She also made me my first homemade quilt. I owe her so much.
ReplyDeleteSewing my "sit upon" in Girl Scouts was my first sewing project!!
ReplyDeletewhen i was seven i learned how to cross stitch. thanks for the chance to win this fun prize!
ReplyDeletewhen I was in elementary school, my mother signed me up for a sewing class. everything we did was by hand, and while there were a couple things I liked doing, mostly I didn't enjoy sewing back then :)
ReplyDeleteMaking a felted doll at Girl Scout Camp (with a realllly thick needle, lol)!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of sewing is at age 9 learning to use my Mother's sewing machine. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI had a working toy sewing machine that I made doll clothes on when I was young. I still have that sewing machine.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is when my mom taught me how to sew when I was about 10... it was a pair of shorts :)
ReplyDeleteI remember learning embroidery in primary school must have been about grade three. We had to embroider onto blue rectangles of fabric.
ReplyDeleteI was incredibly bad at it! My teacher would be so surprised to learn I spend all my free time surrounded by needles and thread.
I think my earliest was when i was in high mom made me do a summer project and I chose to make a strip quilt!
Thanks for the chance! I started taking sewing lessons in 1st grade and I remember making a drawstring bag - I loved it!
ReplyDeleteI remember making a little purple pillow when I was about 8. Hope you've been able to enjoy the sunshine in the PNW
ReplyDeleteI remember "helping" my mom at the sewing machine when I was probably under 10, but my most vivid memory is of 6th grade home-ec class when we had to make an elastic waist, polyester double-knit skirt. I still remember the hideous fabric. Fashions from the 70's still bewilder me -- who were the designers and what were they smokin'?
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is an apron in home economic 6th grade. Before that I think I just watched my mom.thanks for the nice giveaway
ReplyDeleteI can't remember the beginnings of my sewing endeavors, but I remember one year when i was about 13 my high school got a new embroidery machine, and I was hooked on crafts!
ReplyDeleteJust after my second birthday (yes, I really remember!), my mom and I sewed little felt stockings as ornaments to give to family for christmas. I still have a couple with my earliest stitching!!
ReplyDeleteI think I must have been about 10 or 12. I went and stayed with my gran for a week and made some overalls.
ReplyDeletewow earliest would be doing embroidery in 5th grade
ReplyDeleteI sewed my own barbie clothes by hand.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory was making a Cabbage Patch Kids Dress when I was about 6. I told my grandmother I wanted it, and she said sure, and bought the pattern, and the fabric, and set me up with her sewing machine. She told me that if I wanted something, I should learn how to do it. I still have the dress, and the doll =)
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory was sewing my grandmother's scraps into little balls with a needle and thread
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of a sewing project was making a face and a dress for a basic cloth bunny bought at a craft store. I loved stitching on that face!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance!
I'm not sure. It's either crocheting a very wonky dishcloth or cross stitching a sheep. I also had a ton of those sewing cards. Thanks for the chance, I love both of these lines.
ReplyDeleteMine is also those cardboard squares with the holes and yarn. In grade school, I LOVED IT!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest "needle" related memory is knitting with my grandmother ;) Sewing specifically.. probably trying to sew a button back onto some jean shorts in gradeschool!
ReplyDeleteI my family always was some kind of sewing , knitting , crochet , cross stich not quilting(a lot of female in my family)but non interested me . But they still teach me a little a everything. My first memory is like being 6-7 years old and trying to put scraps together for my 5 inch
ReplyDeleteMy grandma Helen gave me a printed cross stitch sampler, I think I was about 7. She and I worked side by side and she taught me how to separate the floss and thread a needle and everything else I needed to know with great patience.
ReplyDeleteOh, goodness- I must have been about 5, stitching together my grandma's fabric scraps for Barbie clothes (they basically ended up being tied-together togas, but I tried).
ReplyDeletewhen i was about 7 years i remember to play with some scraps that a mums friend gave me.
mail elocose (@)
I don't know how many cross-stitches I made when I was a teenager - but it has put me off cross-stitching now! Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI remember making barbie clothes on my Mothers sewing machine when I was 10.
I remember my mom gave me thread on a needle and some fabric on a hoop and I did really long stitches. I think I was four and it did not result in a picture.
One of the earliest sewing memories I have was making a bunch of scrunchies (yes, I'm a kid from the 80's...ha!) for a business I had when I was in the 5th grade. It was for school, but man did I want to expand!
ReplyDeleteI remember my grandmother teaching me to embroider (a sailboat!) when I was maybe four. She was a brilliant seamstress! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeletexo, Meg
3rdmargaret at gmail dot com
First off, I would do anything for this fabric!! I took home economics in 8th grade...we made pillows and that was the only sewing I did until a couple of years ago when I inherited a sewing maching from my m-i-l. Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeletemy first sewing memory is my mom teaching me to make little stuffed christmas ornaments for my family :)
ReplyDeleteI remember hand sewing Barbie clothes while sitting next to my grandma when I was around 5 or 6. She let me use her scrap bin and I was in seventh heaven.
ReplyDeleteI remember learning cross stich with HUGE, super-stiff cross stich material!
ReplyDeleteI remember doing a needlepoint project purchased from TG&Y when I was about 7.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is my grandmother teaching me how to cross stitch. I made tons of handkerchiefs!
ReplyDeleteCross stitch with my Grandmother when I was VERY young!
ReplyDeletei remember sitting with my grandmother as she showed me how to stitch straight lines on scraps of fabric, on her very old sewing machine. later she'd teach me to make doll clothes, and quilts. she died almost a year ago and when i sew, i feel comforted, as though she is still there with me in spirit... teaching me still! thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI started crocheting when I was 12 but I didn't sew until I was in my twenties. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteCute fabrics.
ReplyDeleteI remember making some seriously fugly dresses (double knit polyester gray fabric!) for some equally fugly cheap dolls my grandmother kept at her house for the grandkids to play with. I was probably about 8. And I still feel bad for those poor dime store dolls.
I took a sewing class when I was in like 3rd grade, and I made a reversible Christmas vest. It was very stylish, lol.
ReplyDeleteI remember making a quilt for America's Bicentennial celebration when I was in the 4th grade. I feel like I sat out in the hall sewing forever!!!! Thansk for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI remember making an apron in home-ec class. 7th grade I think. That was the first. I can't remember sewing anything else in home-ec though.
ReplyDeleteI remember doing embroidery sets in middle school.
ReplyDeletemaking 'barbie' clothes on my mom's machine waaaay back when!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory is sitting in my grandmother's lap while she made us matching nightgowns on her old black Singer sewing machine in the cabinet. My first attempt at anything by myself was in Home Ec in 7th grade. We embroidered pillow cases and made drawstring bags. I still have both of them!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a little girl mayber 7 or 8 I would sit and hand sew Barbie clothes when I was a little older for Girl Scots I hand seed a dress try to follow pattern I was maybe 9 my mother did not sew, I went to an older woman in church and she sewing my dress by machin
ReplyDeleteMy grandma teaching me to embroider when I was 6. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI remember my mom teaching me to sew around 5 or 6 and it was a long red and white nightgown.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of using a needle to make something was cross-stitching when I was about 13. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI remeber watching my gramma sew when I was very small!
ReplyDeleteI learned to knit when I was 6 and promptly made numerous lumpy teddy bears. Including one for my sister to bring to school because she was scared of being away from home all day!
ReplyDeletein case the computer gods hate me and i'm a no-replier, you can also find me at: irish (dot) thredhead (at) gmail (dot) com
I remember making a terry cloth romper for 4H. Lovely!
ReplyDeleteI remember rolling my eyes three times, once when my mom tries to teach me, once with my grandmother, and again with a friend of the family. I think I hand stitched a needle holder and then lost it in the mud. Turns out I needed some time to appreciate sewing things
ReplyDeleteOne of my earliest sewing memories is helping MOm pick out the fabric for my Christmas dress. I wanted a velvet top and a smooth shiny skirt, but she got it mixed up and did a shiny top and velvet skirt. Oooo I was so mad. But then I realized it meant I had a LOT more velvet fabric, so I was happy again! Hee hee.
ReplyDeletemy mom sewed our clothes as kids so i grew up with the hummm of a sewing machine...but i clearing recall sitting with my older sister in the our attic, (no idea why we were in the attic!) and we were making clothes for our Barbies. My first dress was more like a bath robe with purple hawaiian fabric! thanks for jogging my memory and for a chance!
ReplyDeleteI remember hand sewing a pouch in girl scouts! But i am not sure what it was for I don't remember!
ReplyDeleteI remember in elementary school trying to make clothes for a shadow box type thing but it was a disaster!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing memory is using a tiny white toy machine that my mum got me. No idea what it was I was trying to make, but I was doing it sitting on the steps of the front porch, and I sewed my finger! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember sitting with fabric my mom had given me and figuring out how to make a skirt by myself, I was maybe 12... skirt was pretty, but unwearable :)
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing memory is of my mother making ghastly, matching outfits for my brother and me. I was a horrified 6th grader. LOL I began to sew a few years later and somehow picked up the knack to sew a straight line despite my genetic code saying I'd be terrible at it. Now, if I only had my mother's overall ability to be creative all the time I'd be one happy camper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway! ~ Carey
when I was 6 I made a little drawstring backpack. I think it took me 6 months, but I was so proud!
ReplyDeleteMy grandma always sew us play clothes for the summer. As soon as we were old enough our grandpa would pay us a quarter to patch his hunting clothes, it wasn't pretty but he was sure proud of it.
ReplyDeleteI must have been 6 or 7 and my mom taught me and my older sisters embroidery. I recently came across the pillowcase I started to embroider but never finished.
ReplyDelete8th grade home ec. I had to sew for the first thing and I made the worst fitting boxer shorts. One leg was bigger than the other and I didn't do the elastic properly so they would just fall off. I also chose a Halloween pumpkin print for some reason.
ReplyDeleteMy most vivid memory was when my mom taught me how to cross-stitch for a fourth grade class project!
ReplyDeleteThe earliest crafty memory I have is this horse cross stitch pattern. I think I was around 8 years old, my mom showed me a couple of stitches and I was on my way. I think I only finished half of it before I moved on to something else. I wonder if she still has it somewhere. I would love to give it a try again! Thanks for the super awesome giveaway!!!
I remember sewing barbie clothes. She was so stylish.
ReplyDeleteI remember learning to read a pattern in a sewing class offered in my old preschool. I think I was 10.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest sewing memory was learning to sew in high school home ec. What a fun class that was!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win. My earliest memory is having my grandmother teach me to hand sew and embroider - I used to love looking through her button collection.
ReplyDeleteI attempted a felt puppet as a child. It must have traumatized me, because I didn't learn to sew for 20 years after that!
ReplyDeleteThe earliest I remember is 9th grade. While most made an initial pillow, I choose a one piece jumper with pleats at the shoulders and goucho (sp?) legs. I remember wearing to school when it was done.
ReplyDeleteI remember playing with my grandma's buttons while she was making rugs from scraps. So I guess it is my earliest sort of craft related memories!
ReplyDeleteWhen i was little i would go to sewing classes with my mother and we would make little kits wherer you stitch around the elements and then stuff them.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in a Brownie Troop at the age of 7 or 8, we were taught to make a stitch sampler for a badge. I still like to embroider to this day!
ReplyDeleteMemories, I was a montessori child, so we did sewing in preschool :)
ReplyDeleteSewing pjs for my brand new cousin when I was six.
ReplyDeletehmm, probably something in Girl Scouts as a kid. and cross stitching. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat seems earliest is when I had to fix my favorite stuffed animals arm. I think one of my dogs got it and the arm was taken half off. I still have the little guy, it's a pig named Oink Oink.
ReplyDeletei sewed about a gazillion buttons onto an apron. y momma still has it
ReplyDeleteWhat fun fabrics, I haven't seen these anywhere. I used to do cross stitch when I was young. My mom must have re-thread my needles a million times, sorry mom!
ReplyDeletei remember trying to make some doll clothes when I was young - not sure how old, but they turned out pretty okay but little-kiddish.
ReplyDeleteI know I crocheted before 5th grade because I gave my teacher a crocheted bag.
ReplyDeleteI made a stuffed dog and plaid flannel PJ shorts in 6th grade home ec. Thanks for the giveaway! racergirl1313 AT hotmail DOT com
ReplyDeleteMy mom taught me to sew and I was making my own clothes in high school. I think we started on a pillow.
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory would have to be learning to do counted cross-stitch when I was about 7 or so. My aunt and I made little pillow ornaments for all of our family members with their names on them. I still have mine and it goes on my tree each year.
ReplyDeletethe first time I tried to sew was in high school and I was miserable! so glad I tried again
ReplyDeletemy first memory was quite negative. my mother was making a bunny suit for my Tiny Tears doll, I misbehaved and she refused to finish the outfit...and stuck to her decision until the day she died! Thanks for the giveaway, but your question reminded me of a very sensitive situation.
ReplyDeleteI remember several people (grandmas, aunts) trying to teach me to sew in elementary school. I was so disinterested in it then... who knew it'd one day be my job!
ReplyDeleteI used to sew doll clothes with a friend...maybe tenish.
Hmmm...I have a lot of memories of my mom sewing when I was little. The first thing I remember making myself was a purse when I was in college.
ReplyDeletei remember my mom trying to teach me to sew a pair of shorts. i got mad and sewed it into a big knotted mess and never touched a machine again until i was in my 30's
ReplyDeleteI cross-stitched a bookmark for my kindergarten teacher, but I got so bored that my mom finished it for me. Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeletei remember sewing on an old toy machine, with my mother.
ReplyDeleteI remember helping my mom sew straight seams pretty early on.
ReplyDeleteIn high school when I took the cooking class and you learned to cook and sew. It was fun. You learned to make an outfit to model and show off and you made snicker doodle cookies and stufffed cabbage rolls. You have the neatest giveaway to offer - fabric and thread. Good combo because you really do need both. Thank you for being a part of this SMS giveaway and the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteSandi Timmons
I remember making barbie clothes when I was like 6. By the time I took home ec in 7th grade I made a Raggedy Ann, clothes and all.
ReplyDeleteI got chicken pox when I was in first grade and was out of school for a long time. To keep me busy, my mom got me started doing a needlepoint project--bright orange, red and yellow flowers on a black background.
ReplyDeleteIn third grade, our teacher taught the class to make a quilt. I loved finishing my work so I could sew! She also inspired me to be a teacher.
ReplyDeleteGreat fabric and great question! My earliest memory of crafting was doing cross stitch at the age of 9 -which a neighbor showed me how to do. That started my love of making things!
ReplyDeleteThat would be my grandmother teaching me to sew when I was in elementary school.
ReplyDeletei always remember my grandmother sewing when i was a child, she is 78 years old and sews every day. she taught me how to sew and we talk about patterns and quilts and things every time we get together.
ReplyDeletei remember home ec in 8th grade where we learned how to sew!
ReplyDeleteMaking an apron in grammar school. Lovely giveaway. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteI have early memories of learning to sew on my moms sewing machine. I still use that one once in awhile too! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI remember in grade 5 sewing a cloth bear he was flat but stuffed) for a contest and I came second place. We also had Home economics at school too so we did lot sof pom pom creatures and smocking!
ReplyDeleteMy mom taught me to sew on an old dishrag.
ReplyDeleteI don't ever remember sewing when I was young. My mom is into crocheting more (which never interested me). When I had girls (three of them!!!) I decided I better learn to sew quick so I could make them cute things! THank you! atabanana29(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI was 12 when my grandma sat me down at her pedal sewing machine and helped me make my first quilt. She was an amazing woman.
ReplyDeleteMy grandma and aunt kept us (me, my sis and cousins) when we were little so they taught us to sew. I remember making an embroidered pillow (which I still have!).
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of needle work was age 8 and doing embriodery of dish towels (days of the week) and pillowcases (flowers!). My first sewing memory is a skirt I made age 10 out of upholstery fabric and my grandpa said it was to short but mom let me wear it anyway!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest needle and thread memory is trying to embroider a Winnie the Pooh to cover a hole in my jeans. I was ten or didn't work but my love of crafts began then. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
ReplyDeleteIt was before I even went to school I don't know how old I was but I remember helping my grandmother make braided rugs in her parlor in the evenings. I probably wasn't much help but I remember it as a truly happy time. Do people still have parlors? Thanks for the cvhance
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory would be making barbie doll clothes.
ReplyDeleteMy first memory is doing a cross stitch. I don't think I ever finished it :)
ReplyDeleteFollow here in georgia
ReplyDeletemy gandma teaching me to cross stitch, age 12
ReplyDeleteI remember being about 6 when I had a picture of embroidery in a "Make it" book and pestering my mom and grandma to teach me how, and then getting frustrated really, really quickly when it didn't come out as beautiful as the picture!
ReplyDeleteI remember my great grandma teaching me how to make yo-yo's!
ReplyDeleteMy earliest memory of sewing is making elastic waist mini skirts when I was about 12.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was about 5 or 6 I did a small cross stitch sampler.
Sewing with my mom as a part of 4H!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful fabric! My first memories of any kind of needlework would be of my mom teaching me how to do some embroidery when I was very young. We still love to spend time together whenever we can working on our stitchery projects. Thank you! anglanouette(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI started making clothes for my dolls when I was just a girl. I also started crocheting. I can't remember how old I was... My daughter loves to sew since she was 4, and my little boy with 2 has already tried!
ReplyDeleteGood question! My earliest memory would be helping my grandma lay quilt blocks out on the floor! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMaking clothes for my barbies!
ReplyDeleteOne of my earliest sewing memories is when I got my very own sewing machine at six years old. I have been sewing ever since.
I remember making a dress for my doll!
My earliest memory is of making a disastrous stuffed goldfish toy, when I was around 11 - 12 years old, in home econimics class at school. I hadn't accounted for a seam allowance on it, so it was quite deformed looking by the time it was finished!
ReplyDeleteMy first memory is practicing my stitches with embroidery thread on muslin.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how little I was, but I remember my mom letting me make a doll. I drew up the pattern and everything. I still have it... it's pretty wonky and a little scary. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd ohmygoodness, is that a portal cross stitch?! LOVE!
peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I remember making my first skirt all by myself when I was 5 years old.
ReplyDeleteI was in 4-H when I was a kid and my mom helped me sew my clothing projects. The first one I remember was a patriotic skort in flag fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI made pillows with my stepmom ... have no clue how old I was but I was young