Monday, March 25, 2013

Fractured Quilt Finished

Woohoo I finished this in the lovely month of March, this being the Fractured mini quilt from the Displacement Activity blog.  18 by 18 inches of awesomeness.

It's not perfect, and I think I put some bits in different spots than I was supposed to, but that's one of the brilliant things about this, you can't really go wrong and I still love it!  Pretty sure  I sewed some stuff on upside down ;)

I used Gutermann thread to quilt it because thats what I have in colors that match, a pale green and a pale purple.  I used white in my bobbin and had trouble getting the tension right for the FMQ so a bit of it is showing through in the darker fabrics, which actually helps since the darkest purple's SO dark.

I was a bit perplexed about how to quilt this, but finally chose the Sunrays pattern from Angela Walter's Free-Motion Quilting book.  I even put a sleeve on the back of this for hanging it...but it will probably hang from push pins for awhile yet since I'm too lazy to go into the cold garage and fire up my table saw :D


  1. Great little quilt. I really love the colors.

  2. it's so beautiful! I love the quilting :-D

  3. I really like your color choices and I think you made the right call on the quilting.
